Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North


Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 05 September 2012 14:12



Chloe is leading all Norfolk MPs to demand a better rail service from Norwich-London and Norwich-Cambridge.  The campaign gained successes from the Secretary of State for Transport in July 2012, including getting Ely junction upgraded, and the next step is to shout for what Norwich needs from the next franchise on the Norwich-London line, in autumn 2012.


Chloe is delighted that this Government will dual the A11, which all Norfolk MPs had teamed up to campaign for. She also supports the building of the new road around the north of Norwich (the Northern Distributor Road), to help local businesses grow and to ease congestion for residents.


Chloe regularly challenges First Buses and other companies on the bus service around the city and residential areas.


Chloe works with County, District, City and parish councils to tackle speeding matters across the area.