Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North

Queen’s Speech includes measures to ensure that that we have more good jobs in Norwich

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 11 May 2022 09:24

The Queen’s Speech set out 38 new bills including measures to ensure that that we have more good jobs in Norwich by supporting high skilled jobs and backing regeneration and local projects.

The Government has already been delivering successful efforts to support people into high-skilled and well-paid jobs through the multi-billion pound Plan For Jobs, giving people here in Norwich the security of a job with a boost National Living Wage of £9.50 per hour, an extra £1,000 a year for an average full-time worker, focusing on ensuring work pays. 

To support this, the UK Infrastructure Bank Bill announced in the Queen’s Speech will establish the UK Infrastructure Bank in legislation, with clear objectives to support regional and local economic growth and deliver net zero, and ensure it has the full range of spending and lending powers. 

Working in partnership with local government and the private sector, the Bank harnesses investment tailored to the needs of specific infrastructure projects, offering a range of financing tools including debt, equity, and guarantees. By supporting infrastructure in Norwich, this in turn encourages job creation. 

The Levelling up and Regeneration Bill will empower local leaders to regenerate their areas, giving local councils the power to let out empty High Street retail buildings for residential use.  

It will also see reforms to the planning system, give residents more say over changing street names, and make sure communities can benefit in town and city centres. I’m excited already to be able to help bring significant projects to Norwich, like the thousands of jobs and homes coming to East Norwich thanks to the Government’s Towns Deal.

On the subject of jobs, you might also like to know that the Modern Slavery Bill announced in the Queen’s Speech aims to reduce the prevalence of modern slavery in supply chains through increased transparency from businesses and public bodies. It will ensure law enforcement agencies have stronger tools to prevent modern slavery. This includes strengthening the operation of Slavery and Trafficking Prevention Orders and Slavery and Trafficking Risk Orders. 

As the local MP, ensuring that we have more good jobs in Norwich is one of my priorities. To find out what I am doing to ensure this, please visit:   

I hope you find this information helpful. The Government is committed to jobs, and so am I for us in Norwich. If I can help constituents with any matter, please do email me on or ring my constituency office on 01603 414756.
