Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North

New! Chloe Smith holds drop-in discussion specially for young people

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 15 May 2012 14:44

As part of her Youth Employment campaign, Chloe Smith, Member of Parliament for Norwich North, will on Wednesday 4th April, be hosting a Young People’s Surgery.

Chloe is seeking better opportunities for young people in Norwich, and will be holding an open surgery on Wednesday 4th April from 11.30-13.00 at Wensum Lodge, King Street; hosted by Norfolk Adult Education Information, Guidance and Advice Service and Blue Cat Initiative.

Chloe will be joined at the surgery by Julia Nix, District Manager for East Anglia District Jobcentre Plus. Chloe wants to hear from young people about their experiences, good and bad with education, employment or any other issue.

Chloe and Julia will also be able to provide young people with information about opportunities that could be available, including work experience or other placements.

Chloe comments:  “I urge young people to come along and let me know of their experiences and concerns; I am keen to gather a greater insight into the current situation in order to help where I can.

“I campaigning for better opportunities for young people in Norwich. Young people have so much to offer. Partners like Jobcentre Plus, the Blue Cat Initiative, Norfolk Adult Education Information, Guidance and Advice Service,  East Norwich Youth Project, City College, and local businesses help us all work together to connect young people with the chances that are out there.”


Julia Nix comments: “Please come and join us on 4th April.  I am genuinely interesting in meeting young people and hearing their views about how the services that we have available can be better targeted to support them get into work

Jobcentre Plus currently offers a range of successful initiatives for young people including:

  • Work Experience with a real employer

  • Advice on apprenticeships

  • Volunteering

  • Opportunities to join a Work Club to develop a CV and  job search skills

  • Access to self-employed advice for young entrepreneurs

I am really looking forward to meeting you and discussing your experiences and ideas.”


Chloe’s Youth Employment Campaign has also seen her launch an online survey for young people, as well as a series of meetings and visits with local businesses that either currently offer apprenticeships, or those that are keen to offer them in the future.

Chloe’s Young People’s survey can be found at, and