Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North

Chloe Smith throws weight behind Norwich's Town Deal

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 27 July 2020 10:02

Chloe Smith, MP for Norwich North, has released a letter of support for the thousands of jobs in the sights of the Norwich 'Town Deal'.  

Chloe sits on the Board for the Town Deal, which met today to finalise its plans.  Her letter highlights:

"I am pleased that Norwich will benefit from £25m investment as part of the Town Deal, with extra funding also announced as part of the Chancellor’s July statement. 

"I believe that this plan will help Norwich continue to be a great place to work, live, study and create jobs.  It will help to sustain and develop the strengths of our city, for today’s residents and for the jobs and investment of tomorrow. 

"I am particularly excited that we have a major opportunity to accelerate the regeneration of East Norwich to create a new high-quality urban quarter...providing a base for the long-term growth of Norwich, and addressing some longstanding problems.  It opens up a positive future for an area that has suffered disappointment through the loss of the iconic Colman’s brand and many industrial jobs." 

She praises the themes of the plan of Skills, Enterprise and Structure and Urban Regeneration, which: 

"echo some of my own priorities for Norwich North: attracting more good jobs for Norwich, improving our transport, and ensuring that we have the homes people need.  

She pledges to work with local people and government to deliver:

"The Prime Minister is committed to ‘build, build, build’ and I believe this plan supports that goal as we look for recovery after coronavirus and to level up opportunity around the UK. 

"I support the proposed investment plan and look forward to carrying on working with you, our local partners, and the Government, to deliver it."
