Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North

Chloe Smith offers to lead talks at County Hall on funding for Silver Road Day Centre next Friday

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 07 September 2012 11:37

Chloe Smith, MP for Norwich North, has secured talks on the future funding of the Silver Road Day Centre building. The County Council owns the former Silver Rooms, used to date for adult social services, and now sought by a committee hoping to run community services from the site.
The County Council has asked £80,000 for the building. The committee would like it gifted to them.
The government has made a point of encouraging local councils to make assets like this building available to the community to purchase before going to the open market.
The committee asked Chloe for help. Chloe Smith, a long-standing campaigner for her older constituents who use the centre, has secured a meeting 2nd March for the committee with Cliff Jordan, portfolio holder responsible for assets to discuss options.
She says:
"This is a chance for the committee to sit down with the County Council and explore all the options available. Personally, I am pleased to be able to sit down with the County Council and the Committee to explore all the options available to them. I would like to see the Centre remain open for the community and the elderly residents who value it so much.
"The committee has worked hard to get to this point. They need to discuss options carefully now to try to secure the best for local residents.
"It is excellent to have the asset considered for the community before going on the open market. Of course it would be great to have it for free, but we have to bear in mind that the County Council relies on public funds and therefore has duty to everyone in the community to use our resources responsibly."