Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North

Chloe Smith calls again: don't be afraid to say No to Domestic Abuse

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 20 September 2012 08:22

Chloe Smith, Member of Parliament for Norwich North, today repeats her call for people in Norfolk to report instances of Domestic Abuse without fear. 


She also welcomed the Government's change in the law to include non-violent abuse as Domestic Abuse.

Chloe has worked with the Norfolk Constabulary and partners in support of the 'Norfolk Says No' to Domestic Abuse campaign, following a shocking number of constituents coming forward seeking Chloe's help as their Member of Parliament. 

Now, it has been announced nationally that intimidation and controlling behaviour have been included in the definition of Domestic Abuse, as well including abuse affecting those under 18 years of age. The change in the law will provide support and justice to more people who need it, not just those who have suffered violent assaults.

Chloe comments: "This is an excellent and necessary step forward in recognising the types of abuse that many people suffer on a daily basis. I hope that more people will have the strength to come forward and report the abuse they suffer, especially young people, who often feel they have nowhere to turn if the abuse they are dealing with is not physical.

"I will continue, as always, to support and assist any constituents seeking help to flee domestic abuse. I urge anyone who feels that they are in an abusive relationship to speak out – you are not alone and there is support available."

Chloe encourages anyone experiencing or worried about domestic abuse in Norfolk to call the 24 Hour Domestic Abuse Line 0808 2000247