Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North

Chloe Smith: alcohol-related hospital admissions in Norfolk too high

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 31 October 2012 16:28

Chloe Smith, Member of Parliament for Norwich North has today expressed her deep concern over the number of alcohol-related hospital admissions from within Norfolk.

The ‘Alcohol Harm Map’ launched today by Alcohol Concern shows that in the year 2010/11 there were 105,565 alcohol-related hospital admissions, which equates to healthcare costs of £43.1m, which is approximately £60 per adult.

The number of A&E admissions was 61,297 which came at a cost of £7m

Chloe, who has long-campaigned for responsible drinking in the city and minimum alcohol pricing comments:

“These figures are very alarming and too high. Every number is a person, perhaps with a family, who needs help. However, it is clear that £43.1M in Norfolk could be better spent on health services.

"I urge people to take care of their health in the long term.

"In particular, these figures also show that we want Norwich to stay a great place for a safe and enjoyable night out. A drink on a night out should not end in a trip to hospital."

See for more detail including a breakdown of the admissions.