Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North

Chloe shows her support to local charity NANSA, at their annual meeting and Year of Celebration Event

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 30 September 2015 17:00

On Thursday 24th September, Chloe attended NANSA’s (Norfolk and Norwich Scope Association) Annual Meeting and Year Of Celebration.

Chloe showed her support at the event, by meeting staff and service-users to learn more about the work of the charity and hear first-hand how the charity helps young people within her constituency.

This month, Chloe has written to the Norwich Clinical Commissioning Group on behalf of NANSA over their concerns about the future of their Sleep Support Service. The service, which  offers support to families has had funding withdrawn from Norwich CCG, and Chloe has written asking for them to review their decision.

Chloe has also recently worked with NANSA in their support of young disabled people wanting employment, in her capacity as Founder and Chair of the Norwich for Jobs Project.