Chloe Smith

Protecting our Environment

One of my six priorities for Norwich North is protecting our environment.  In Norfolk, we are lucky enough to live within easy reach of beautiful beaches, countryside and local woods.  Ensuring these places, which contribute to our county’s character, are still there and are thriving for future generations is something I care deeply about.  I am supporting the Government’s 25-year plan, which seeks to improve the environment, so we can be the first generation to leave the environment in a better state than when we inherited it.


Recent news stories:

  • 05 December 2023
    Severe winter weather resources  As we head into winter, I wanted to ensure that constituents had up to date information on coping in cold weather, and where to get help in the area.   Keeping warm  Advic...
  • 01 December 2023
    Flooding in Sprowston EastSince visiting constituents affected by recent Anglian Water flooding and sewage issues particularly in the areas of Greenborough Road, Hammond Close and Way, I wanted to update you on actio...
  • 22 November 2023
    Autumn StatementThe Chancellor is right today to focus on growth, including helping people into work. He joins my consistent argument that it's economically right and morally right to include the talent and poten...
  • 20 November 2023
    Big Levelling Up win for Mile CrossToday I welcome multi million pound allocation announced today from the government’s Levelling Up Fund, to help local people by enhancing Sloughbottom Park in Mile Cross, Norwich North. I was...
  • 03 November 2023
    Sewage issues - Sprowston East and SalhouseThroughout the week I have been made aware of sewage and flooding issues in the Sprowston East district of the city, severely affecting residents around Salhouse Road, Hammond Way, Hammond Close and G...
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