Chloe Smith

PSPO granted for Britannia Road and Norwich City

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 13 July 2023 15:23

For far too long residents of Britannia Road have suffered noise and vehicle-related anti social behaviours that have blighted their lives.
Last November I brought together a delegation of officials from across Norfolk County Council, Norwich City Council and Norfolk Constabulary to look at finding long lasting solutions to the problems that residents were experiencing.
Having seen new speed awareness signage installed and orchestrated a temporary car park closure order, I pressed for the strongest action yet to tackle anti social behaviour and noisy, dangerous drivers.
On Wednesday 12 July, Norwich City Council Cabinet unanimously agreed to implement a city-wide Public Space Protection Order (PSPO), which effectively bans a range of anti-social behaviours within the city limits and includes the hot spot of Britannia Road.
Following my meeting with officials and the police in June, I received assurances that the order, if approved, could be in-place before the start of the holidays. I look forward to confirmation of the start date, which it is understood could be as soon as Friday 21 July, enabling families to play out and enjoy summer to the full.
The order will ban the following behaviours not just on Britannia Road but across the city.
  • Noisy modified exhausts
  • Excessive speeding and revving of engines
  • Stunts – dangerous acceleration and deceleration spins
  • Loud music played from congregating vehicles – heard in residents’ homes and gardens
  • Intimidating and threatening behaviour from some participants in the congregation
  • Litter and damage at locations
  • Obstruction of the highway
The PSPO would be delivered through a combined educational and enforcement approach with Norfolk Constabulary. Those who breach the PSPO will first be given a warning. Any repeat offences could result in a Fixed Penalty Notice of up to £100, and court action if the fine is unpaid.
I’m extremely grateful to the councils and the police for listening to this community and working together to bring about the PSPO. I know that a huge amount of work has gone into drawing up the PSPO and enforcement plan.
To read more:
If I can assist any North Norwich constituent with a community issue, please do contact me on or telephone: 01603 414756
