Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North

Chloe Smith monthly round up for March

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 08 April 2016 16:37

The Budget

Work in Parliament recently has been on the Budget.  I think it was a sensible budget in terms of continuing to pay down our debts, and encouraging growth which means more jobs in Norwich.

Norwich small businesses in particular will get a lot more help with business rates relief, which allows them to continue to employ local people.  Self-employed people also get a boost in this Budget.

I’ve always argued in Parliament that we need to help young people by ensuring there are plenty of job opportunities, and that there will be homes to live in.  So I like the ‘Lifetime ISA’ in this Budget especially for people under 40, who will get £1 for every £4 they save, to spend on a first time home.  It can also be put towards savings for later life.  This is important as we all need a net that will be there for us later on when we can’t work, and we have to take personal responsibility for that as much as possible.

But I disagreed with the savings that were proposed in the Budget from support paid to the disabled.  The manifesto on which I stood at the last election made clear that we would spend less on welfare, but that we would do so by protecting the most vulnerable.

I have supported the government’s welfare reforms since 2010 because principally they put work first.  The most recent reform of the rate for those who get Employment Support Allowance (ESA) and can work, puts work first.  In the 21st century we should not be writing people off from work and independence;  that policy is right to spend more on helping people if they can work despite disability or a health condition.

Disability spending is going up, that is clear in this Budget.  But I helped constituents record their concerns during the consultation on Personal Independence Payment (PIP) aids and appliances, and now I’ve spoken in Parliament against the idea of making savings from this area without serious further consideration.  I am glad the government has changed its plan and won’t be doing it. 

We should protect the disabled and make savings elsewhere in order that the country still lives within its means.



Mind Helpline

I’m pleased to have helped constituents get a result on the Mind mental health helpline.  The charity will now work other existing helplines to make sure that a service is there for those who need it.  This is common sense;  it’s what I thought could be achieved when I asked all the organisations involved urgently to sit down together.  So, let’s continue to work together to get results like this.



Northern Distributor Road

Another result now coming good for Norwich is the building of the Northern Distributor Road.  I have campaigned for this since I was very first elected.  It’s worth remembering why we need it – it means thousands of jobs can come to people here in Norwich, on business sites and homes that will now be properly linked by a decent road so that transport and trade can happen.  Each one of those opportunities is not just a number – it’s someone’s life transformed.

I’m continuing my work to being more childcare to Norwich too.  For busy working parents, childcare is one of the biggest household costs, so it will be a real result when there will be double the amount of childcare for 3 and 4 year olds paid for by government in just a year and a half’s time. 

I think it’s important to get on and solve problems rather than spout about them, so I’ve been bringing together all those who can do something about the supply of childcare places, and working through what we can do together for Norwich.  With local authorities and others we can plan for the use of land and buildings;  with City College we can look at training more people to lead childcare locally;  with the private sector we can make this into a huge opportunity for even more jobs to be supported in our city;  we can get information to parents;  and the County Council will now revise its formula so that childcare providers are paid properly.



Catton Grove Exhibition

Residents should be very proud of some recent achievements in Catton Grove.  Catton Grove Primary School has exhibited some fantastic work in Mile Cross library based on models of famous buildings, while the lottery project ‘Catton Grove Big Local’ has succeeded in getting The Box on Woodcock Road back into use as a community hub.  Huge well done to everyone who’s worked so hard on both projects!